Due to structural racism and social policies that perpetuate inequality, violence disproportionately affects some communities and leads to outcomes that results in higher rates of school bullying, homicides, and firearm death rates.
Bureau of Community Health and Prevention, Department of Public Health, Division of Violence and Injury Prevention
The Injury Surveillance Program gathers, analyzes, and interprets data on injuries in Massachusetts. This data is used to monitor injury trends, identify populations that are most impacted, guide programs and policy development.
The Interactive Master Crime List contains more than 2,600 offenses, each ranked and placed into one of ten levels of seriousness, along with sentencing information. To determine the offense seriousness level of a crime, locate the offense on the Master Crime List using either the offense name or General Law reference. This data is compiled and updated by the staff of the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission.
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
Find a description of and links to these inventories developed for the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
Executive Office of the Trial Court, Trial Court Department of Research and Planning, Massachusetts Court System
Case filings for adult and juvenile substance use commitments under M.G.L. Chapter 123, Section 35. Section 35 authorizes involuntary commitments to a treatment facility for up to 90 days in cases where someone is likely to do serious harm to themselves or others. This data is compiled and updated quarterly by the Massachusetts Trial Court Department of Research and Planning.
Recent data on Jail Diversion activities in Massachusetts. Filter by year, demographic information, presenting problem, and diversion type. This data is updated every quarter.
Information on the labor force, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates for the United States, Massachusetts, and for each city/town and county in Massachusetts. Information is also available by Workforce Development Area (WDA) and Labor Market Area (LMA).